FIBoPS – First International Fair for the Interchange of Social Environmental Good Practices
The Brazilian Environmental Benchmarking Day – 6th Edition
The Brazilian Environmental Benchmarking Day – 6th Edition
23rd, 24th, 25th September, 2008
Grand Hotel Ca’d’Oro – 129, Augusta Street – Consolação – São Paulo – Brazil
Phone nr.: (+5511- 3236 4377 –
English: Program Subscription Summary Presentation Stand View
The Fair will promote the interchange between the Social-Environmental Brazilian Good Practices with the Social-Environmental International Good Practices.
- We are selecting at least five international cases for integrating the First Fair;
- The case needs to be indicated by a national or international entity, which represents Government, Consulates, Chambers of Commerce, Class Associations, Unions, etc;
- If the case is approved by the “Instituto Mais”, the board-certified institute to select the winner case, the enterprise can participate in the Fair and in the Benchmarking Day (the whole event will take 3 days and the Bench Day will be the last one);
- The subscription to participate and subscribe the case it’s free of charge;
- The case selected to participate of the Fair needs to agree to come to Brazil in order to make part of the Fair and expose its case;
- The winner case gains the right to expose its logotype and material related to the case for the period of three days. The expositor will have a stand to make this happens (click here to see the stands shape);
- The winner case will also have the right to participate of the Case Panels, which will be done on the stage of the auditorium and will be able to Interact with the audience approximately for 15 minutes;
- The trip costs related to the fly ticket, hotel reservations, food, transport and any other costs related to the coming of the people to present the case, are NOT supported by the Fair Organizers. But indications for better hotel prices can be provided for the participants.
The English site is under construction but feel free to call us at+5511-3257-9660 (Mr. Paulo/ Mr. Claudio) or +5511 9232-2015 (Mrs. Rosana) and +5511-9101-7063 (Mrs. Marilena). The hot site is for the subscription of the Brazilian cases and at the site there is more information about the existing projects within this Institute, a non-profit organization.
The English site is under construction but feel free to call us at
Claudio Alves – President
Paulo Prado – Director
Paulo Prado – Director
Rosana Zenezi Moreira – Director