FIBoPS – First International Fair for the Interchange of Social Environmental Good Practices
23rd, 24th, 25th September, 2008
Grand Hotel Ca’d’Oro – 129, Augusta Street – Consolação – São Paulo – Brazil
Phone nr.: (+5511) 3236-4377 –

English:    Program   Subscription   Presentation   International Cases    Stand View 
Spanish      Portuguese   


INTERNACIONAL BENCHMARKING: Sharing the Social Environmental Good Practices selected by the Brazilian Environmental Benchmarking Program with the international social environmental good practices indicated by the international institutions.
Objective: Broadcasting and incentive to the adoption of the social environmental good practices within the organizations of all sizes, fields and economic segments. It has an innovative characteristic that proposes the exchange of methodologies and experiences, opening the dialogue among the organizations. It leads to the adoption of the excellence models in the Brazilian social environmental management. Its objective is to accelerate the sustainable development.
Summary: It is the first thematic fair with this nature and shape in the Brazilian territory. It will have approximately 20 Benchmarking institutions with its selected cases in the last 5 editions done by the Brazilian Environmental Benchmarking Program and more 5 international cases indicated for the representative national and international institutions. And panels moderated by 5 universities, which have MBA courses, Master’s degree programs with the subject of the Social Environmental Responsibility.
Organization: The Benchmarking cases (national) and the Internationals cases will be presented in the shape of thematic panels with debates among its participants and special guests. The panels will be moderated by the representatives of the Academic sector and will also have personalized stands of the enterprises for attending the visitors. The focus is on the good practice implemented: Focus, Motivation, Apprenticeship, Results and Reply Ability.
It will also have good practice workshops under the coordination of the FNQ – National Quality Foundation for the enterprises participants and special guests with the distribution of the “Social Environmental Good Practices Guide”. It is a mini book with articles and the summary of the cases participants of the 6th edition with its logotypes.  

Another innovation in the Fair will be the “Talk Show of the Good Practices” (Benchmarking cases detached in the BenchMais book) with journalists, specialists and personalities. Another one is the Résumé Bank with professionals of the social environmental area captured during the fair with the online access for the visitors. The résumé bank will be available to the enterprises in the Portal Social Environmental OnLine . The fair will be opened for the public (free of charge) from 09h00 to 20h00. See Program 

Special Participations:
Sponsors and Supportive Enterprises:
    • They will have personalized stands personalized to broadcast its institution.  
      See :   
      Program   Stand View     
    • The public will be students from the universities, technicians, managers, directors, presidents, personalities, authorities and leaders from the 3 economic segments, since the subject of the fair is too much current and with worldwide interest. The expectation is that the fair will receive a floating public of approximately 2.000 people per day. See :   Program