FIBoPS – First International Fair for the Interchange of Social Environmental Good Practices
23rd, 24th, 25th September, 2008
Grand Hotel Ca’d’Oro – 129, Augusta Street – Consolação – São Paulo – Brazil
Phone nr.: (+551… –
  English:     Program    Subscription   Summary  International Cases  Stand View        

Spanish      Portuguese   


Script to present the Social Environmental Good Practices in the Panels of the 1st FIBoPS 
valid for the National and International cases

GOOD PRACTICE: Good Practice is a managerial tool with the non-operational nature, which attends the factors of the focus, application, apprenticeship and integration supported by the presentation of the results (Source: FNQ – National Quality Foundation).
Presentation and Description of the Case of Good Practices: 

We suggest that the presentation of the case has a description text with the maximum of 1.600 words with space + logotype to be inserted in the Good Practices Guide (Publication that will be distributed to the participants during the fair). It will also be presented in the panels during the fair. We suggest to follow up the script bellow. The Good Practice is obliged to have in its presentation/description the following items:

1.    Focus: The case segment of action (identify in which of the managerial thematic the case of a good practice is inserted – see the legend at the end of the document)
2.    Motivation: The main motive by what the practice has been adopted in the institution
3.    Apprenticeship:  The points or main characteristics of the case have made difference in its implementation and with ones deserve to be detached. Actions for the implementation, methodology adopted, including phases, stage and mechanisms to measure and correct the averts  
4.    Results: Indicators which can proof the benefits of the practice adopted. Quantitative and/or Qualitative Indicators, physical gain and/or strategic gain, improvements implemented, etc
5.    Reply Ability: Recommendations for the reproduction of the good practice adopted with its potential of adaptability and reply ability for the institutions and other segments 
Time for the Individual Presentation in the Panels – 20 minutes:
The presentation shall follow up the script bellow to expose its main ideas, obeying the recommendation of the time for each one of the following items described bellow:
1.      Presentation of the Case of the Institution – 3 minutes
2.      Identification of the contextualization of the Case (title, duration and people responsible) – 3 minutes
3.      Details of the Case (the 5 items showed above) – 12 minutes
4.      Closing and reflections – 2 minutes
Debate with all participants of the panel, after the individual presentation – 30 to 40 minutes: 

After the presentation of all cases of each panel it will be reserved 30 to 40 minutes for the interactivity of the presenters with the public (questions and answers under the moderation of the table – people representing the Academy or a specialist invited for this occasion).

Managerial Thematics:
1.      Productive Arrangements
2.      Education, Information and Social Environmental Communication
3.      Energy
4.      Gases and Pollutants
5.      Management Tools and Policies
6.      Handling and Reforesting
7.      Scientific Researches and New Products
8.      Protection and Conservation
9.      Hidric Resources and Efluents
10.    Residues